Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Three New Paintings

This month I am mentoring a medical student on a special elective. She was a studio art major in college and arranged with the medical school Dean to have a month-long senior year elective during which she would work on medically related paintings. She is in the middle of interviews for her residency and is having a little trouble finding time to get into the painting work, particularly because her planned work is very ambitious. I have been pushing her to focus on smaller projects that more reasonably fit her interview schedule. It occurred to me that I should follow my own advice and get busy, hence the three related paintings here, all done in the past few days. These paintings are acrylic on paper and are all about 8 and ½ inches square.


Robin Chapman December 21, 2015 at 7:42 AM  

like the humor of these titles! and the paintings.

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